Hiram’s Call October 2023

VOL. 1, ISSUE 5                          October, 2023


For this issue of Hiram’s Call with Halloween around the corner we thought of something a little different. We present a paper by Brother Jacob Keppen which was originally published in New Jersey’s “18th District Light” periodical. We appreciate Brother Keppen’s and the 18th District’s permission to republish. We hope you enjoy!

Also, we have exciting news about the MRC’s new YouTube Channel, info regarding the George Washington Masonic Memorial’s Digital Archives, and a great program from the Grand Lodge of Illinois that every lodge and Grand Lodge should try!

Scroll down & enjoy!


The Masonic Renewal Committee

PS: Does your Lodge or Grand Lodge have something to share? Just reply to this email and tell us about it!

Dracula & Freemasonry

by Bro. Jacob Keppen, Laurel Lodge No. 237
Grand Lodge of New Jersey, F. & A.M.

Few symbols are as synonymous with horror and Halloween as Dracula. Popular culture has long been fascinated with vampires, turning these monsters from folklore into a cultural mainstay. Though the creature has seen its share of different adaptations and versions, the craze stems back to Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula. One of the most famous pieces of English literature, Dracula has served as the basis for the evolution of vampires as a pop culture figure. And it all started with a supposed Freemason.

The Masonic Digital Archives George Washington Masonic National Memorial

The Masonic Digital Archives at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial contains hundreds of copies of proceedings from Grand Lodge, Grand Chapters RAM, Grand Councils CM, and Grand Commanderies KT.  This is an outstanding tool for Masonic history students.

Connect with Masonic Renewal Committee

If you’ve missed one of our exciting and informative Engage Conferences you can see them on YouTube anytime!  Use these videos for your own information or even for a Lodge Education presentation. The MRC channel is just getting started, and we plan to add new content every month. To subscribe to the channel click the link below or search Masonic Renewal Committee on YouTube

Grand Lodge of IllinoisMasonic Membership Visibility Day

The Grand Lodge of Illinois created an annual Masonic Membership Visibility Day recognition with the goal of giving brethren the opportunity to visibly display their association with the fraternity and their Masonic pride all around the state adorn our by wearing the Masonic Square and Compasses on hats, shirts, or other clothing to prominently ‘Let Our Light Shine’.  Sumner Lodge No. 334 had a very successful event with the “Introduction to Freemasonry” Youth Rally. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.

The Masonic Renewal Committee Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America is dedicated to fostering the growth of Freemasonry by sharing & promoting proven strategies & best practices to enhance membership development & retention.

We are grateful for the financial support
we receive from the following:

Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Indiana
Grand Lodge F & A. M. of Florida
Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of New Jersey
Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction
Supreme Council, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
Shriners International